
The Scentual Garden

The Scentual Garden

The Scentual Garden
The Scentual Garden

Renowned garden writer Ken Druse approaches the theme of fragrance in a unique way: he undertakes a survey of fragrance in the garden. He arranges both familiar and unusual garden plants, shrubs and trees into 12 categories, allowing you to grow a scent garden.

The Scentual Garden
The Scentual Garden

In this major new work with added knowledge, Druse gives gardeners a vastly expanded palette of scents to explore and enjoy. What’s fascinating is that he ensures the garden designs offer harmonious scentual delights. Ellen Hoverkamp contributes artful botanical images of flowers and plants discussed in the text. Druse’s award-winning photographs are awe-inspiring.

The Scentual Garden
The Scentual Garden

Royal families throughout Europe over the centuries paid special attention to fragrance when having their lavish gardens planned throughout their estates. Fragrant flowers and trees would be planted around pathways and patio spaces. These vines, blooms and plants would also be used to decorate palaces for balls and parties.

The Scentual Garden
The Scentual Garden

Ken Druse is a celebrated lecturer and author/photographer who has been called “the guru of natural gardening’ by the New York Times. He’s published more than 20 gardening books over the past 25 years.

The Scentual Garden is available in Canada at Indigo.

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  • Angela Citrigno
    February 3, 2022 at 10:30 pm

    What a beautiful book to own. Would definitely earn a place on top of my coffee table.

  • September Dee
    February 1, 2022 at 10:17 am

    Wow this looks like a gorgeous book!